All State-owned companies need to submit AFS's in iXBRL with IFRS-FULL Financial Reporting Standard. This is mandatory.
According to the Companies Act as amended in 2011, Regulation 27, State Owned Companies will report according the IFRS-FULL standard, but in case of conflict of any requirement in the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), the latter prevails.
All Non-profit companies need to submit AFS's in iXBRL with IFRS-FULL Financial Reporting Standard. This is mandatory.
In the case of any conflict with any requirement (reporting standards) in terms of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), the PFMA prevails.
Co-operatives need not required to submit AFS's in iXBRL, However they may elect to voluntarily file audited or independently reviewed AFSs with annual returns.
Trusts need not required to submit AFS's in iXBRL, However they may elect to voluntarily file audited or independently reviewed AFSs with annual returns.
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